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ブリーフ信長クリアファイル design by SCUMBOY

440 JPY

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独特の世界観で多くのファンを魅了するSCUMBOYが手掛けた織田信長、 その名も"ブリーフ信長"。 表面にはブリーフ信長、裏面にはSTILL THINKING COFFEEのデザイン。 お店のトレードマークでもある黄色ボディもイケてます。 名古屋のお土産にも、織田信長ファンも、SCUMBOYファンも クリアファイルコレクターの方にも是非! 当ビル2階にSCUMBOY TATTOOもあり。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brief Nobunaga clear file design by SCUMBOY This Oda Nobunaga, created by SCUMBOY, which has attracted many fans with its unique worldview, is called "Briefs Nobunaga." The front features Briefs Nobunaga, and the back features STILL THINKING COFFEE. The yellow body, which is the store's trademark, is also cool. A great souvenir from Nagoya, a must-have for Oda Nobunaga fans, SCUMBOY fans, and clear file collectors! There is also a SCUMBOY TATTOO on the second floor of the building.

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